You Are Invited!
to the Skirball Cultural Center
to celebrate our exciting 10th Anniversary!
The 10th Annual Experience, Strength and Hope Awards (VIDEO) of a high-profile individual’s memoir, including their journey through addiction to recovery and their dedication to carrying the message to a society awash in ignorance and over-consumption.
The event is held in Los Angeles at the beautiful Skirball Cultural Center, nestled in the Santa Monica Mountains.
5:30-7:30pm – Catered Networking Reception
7:30-9:00pm – Show
In addition to being an exceptional night of chatting, chow and chuckles, proceeds from this event provide free tickets to the REEL Recovery Film Festival & Symposium® to thousands of people.
Our audience consists of professionals from the treatment industry, including CEOs, therapists, doctors, PhDs, celebrities; members of the press and friends from fellowship who want to dress up and celebrate! We expect it to be a FULL HOUSE. (Dress Code: No Gowns, No Tuxes, No UGGs)
SUPER STAR – $5,000
• Celebrity shout-out from the stage as you stand for applause and your logo is projected on the Big Screen
• Your logo on Red Carpet banner
• 20 free show tickets and two tables of ten
• A six foot promotional table in the reception hall
• Your Pop-Up Banner at the catered 2-hour opening reception
• Full page ad in souvenir program
• Facility hot link on Writers In Treatment webpage and on Social Media
• Autographed copy of Jodie’s book – Unsweetined
STAR – $3,000
• Full Page ad in souvenir program
• Pop-Up banner in reception hall
• Facility hot link on Writers In Treatment website Event webpage and on Social Media
• 20 free show tickets and table of ten
• Autographed copy of Jodie’s book
CO-STAR – $1,000
• Your LOGO in souvenir program
• Facility hot link on the WIT webpage and social media for this event
• 10 free tickets and dinner (open seating)
• Autographed copy of Jodie’s book